
TimeWise® Pore Minimizer 29ml (exp: Dec-23)



TimeWise® Microdermabrasion Plus Set:

 Dramatically improves skin texture

 Visibly improves the look of fine lines

 Immediately pores look smaller,

 Makes skin high-definition-worthy

The Pore Minimizer nourishing serum helps calm and comfort skin. It’s the perfect after-step to Microdermabrasion Refine to reduce any appearance of redness and soothe delicate skin. Working together 2-to-3 times a week, both products dramatically improve skin texture for a high-definition-worthy complexion.


  • 概观
  • 如何运作
这款温和、快速吸收的精华液可每天抵抗毛孔粗大。 它可以缩小毛孔,让肌肤倍感滋养,舒压的同时显着改善肌肤透亮度。 现在当您照镜子时,您会看到经得起近距离考验的自信肤质。 在连续三周每天两次使用pore minimizer 后,十分之八的女性表示,她们对毛孔的外观感到满意,甚至是特写。**
由于毛孔的显见度对您的皮肤看起来是否光滑细腻起着重要作用,TimeWise® Pore Minimizer 可超越皮肤纹理,收紧毛孔。 通过微晶换肤术清除毛孔中的堆积物和死皮细胞,Pore Minimizer可立即改善毛孔的显见度。时间越久,效果越好。 这种滋养精华液可立即帮助镇静和舒缓肌肤。 这是微晶换肤术的完美后续步骤,可减少泛红现象并舒缓娇嫩肌肤。 您需要每天使用它,一天两次,随着时间的推移改善粗大毛孔,肌肤更显光滑、无瑕。